So you got a golf cart and it's going an asphalt scorching 12mph what do you do?
At Arc'em, going fast is what we do and we're gonna tell you what it takes to do 20, 25, 30, 40+ miles per hour.
Now, there are a few tricks and cheap mods that work by unlocking your controllers and these will on average get you close to 20mph. These are called speed codes and speed magnets. Great for an extra 4 to 8 mph depending on code.
Motors are where the real magic begins. These make the most significant improvements towards speed and torque. A few hundred bucks and your motor can be sent off, modified and sent back with gains of up to 25mphs. Likewise, ordering a high-speed motor skips the waiting and still achieves up to 25 mph with added torque and longer working life. The modified motors tend to burn up quicker in our opinion.
Motor and controller packages. Controllers are necessary when we start crossing that 30+ mph threshold. A golf cart needs that extra amperage that the factory controllers cant provide to feed even more powerful motors. These motor and controllers can be brushed DC motors with Sepex or Series DC controller or AC motors with AC controller/inverters like those in a Tesla. Either set up will be powerful and have its own purpose where it shines over the other. At this point and beyond, high quality batteries are necessary for range and reliability.
To go even further will require not only the confidence of a stunt man but a willingness to change motor, controller, and step up to a higher voltage battery system. Advancements in lithium batteries has made this task easier. This is what it takes to make it beyond 40+ mph but serious efforts must be made for safety and braking. Only allow certified experts to perform these mods.
These machines have become powerful and incredibly dangerous, our personal race carts definitely prove it. But if done correctly, and safety and common sense applied, these over-sized adult powerwheels are fun and bring people together.
